Joining Your CO-OP

Joining your respective concept co-op provides valuable membership benefits. While the pricing negotiated by Restaurant Supply Chain Solutions, LLC, (RSCS) for goods and equipment is available to all operators who purchase them, only co-op members are eligible to:
- Receive patronage dividends
- Elect directors to the Concept Boards
- Participate in member-only programs
RSCS is comprised of the concept co-ops of KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and A&W.
All A&W and KFC franchisees/licensees are eligible to join the A&W National Purchasing Co-op. Inc. or the KFC National Purchasing Co-op. Inc, respectively.
All Pizza Hut and Taco Bell franchisees, as well as licensees who own 25 or more stores, are eligible to join the Pizza Hut National Purchasing Co-op. Inc. or the Taco Bell National Purchasing Co-op. Inc., respectively.
Owners of multi-brand stores are eligible/encouraged to join the purchasing co-ops of all related concepts.
Privileges of Membership

Millions of people benefit from co-ops everyday. A&W, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell stockholder members are a part of this fortunate group. Your concept co-op offers your system value in the purchasing of food, non-food, packaging and equipment. If you join your concept co-op and your membership status is up-to-date, you are eligible to receive an annual patronage dividend (based on board approval). For more information on patronage dividends, see your Membership Information Packet. As a member, you have a voice in the leadership of your concept co-op and are eligible to participate in the annual election of directors. If you are a multi-brand store owner, you should join the co-ops for each brand to take advantage of full membership benefits. The governance of your co-op is led by a member-elected board of directors. Your concept board sets the direction and strategy for your concept co-op. Other privileges of membership include participation in purchasing programs and services other than food, non-food, packaging and equipment. |
Obligations of Membership

Stockholder members of any of the five national purchasing co-ops must: i. agree that the Co-op and RSCS may collect a fee (a “sourcing fee”) in consideration of and to fund the Co-op and RSCS’s purchasing programs and services, ii. authorize the Co-op and RSCS to cause suppliers and distributors of goods and equipment to collect sourcing fees from them for the account of the Co-op or RSCS, iii. agree to abide by the terms and commitments of the Co-op’s bylaws, as amended from time to time, including the provisions regarding the distribution of any patronage dividends, iv. agree to coordinate all requests to Yum! Brands, Inc. for supplier and distributor approval through the Co-op and/or RSCS, and v. depending on the particular co-op, purchase virtually all of the goods and equipment used in the member’s outlets through the purchasing programs that are offered by RSCS and the Co-op. |